Since 1930, the Kenosha YMCA has supported the community.

Your gift provides lasting support for the Y to remain available to all – regardless of ability to pay. Your investment in our Y’s endowment is crucial to meeting your community’s future needs.

The Kenosha YMCA Foundation Board guides the growth of the endowment funds, investing the proceeds back to the Y.

The Kenosha YMCA is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code. # 39-0826296

Donations and bequests are recognized through the Y’s Heritage Club.

Contact Chris Finkel at 262-564-6813 for details.

You can trust that your gift will support our Y’s mission for generations to come. Your gift today ensures that tomorrow’s kids can enjoy the same chance to learn, grow, and thrive. Your gift may result in significant tax and estate planning advantages.

Gifts can be made to support the entire organization or to a specific program.


There are many ways to make a planned gift and build your legacy. Please consider supporting YMCA in a way that will last forever.

 Contact Chris Finkel with any questions at 262-564-6813 or by email at cfinkel@kenoshaymca.org.

You can include the YMCA in your will or estate plan. You control over your assets for your lifetime and provide a wonderful gift to support the YMCA’s future.

You can name the YMCA as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other qualified retirement plan through a simple change of beneficiary form.

You can make a gift to the YMCA and receive back a guaranteed income stream for life for you and a loved one.

You can name the YMCA as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy through a simple change of beneficiary form.

You can give a gift to the endowment with cash or securities.


A donor advised fund, which is like a charitable savings account, allows you to transfer cash or other assets to a tax-exempt sponsoring organization, such as a public foundation. You can then recommend—but not direct—how much and how often money is granted to Kenosha YMCA. You’ll receive an immediate federal income tax charitable deduction at the time you contribute to the account, and the power to make recommendations on selecting Kenosha YMCA as the charity you support.