We believe positive early experiences are essential to future success. At the Y, children and teens can explore their unique talents and interests while learning values and positive behaviors, helping them realize their full potential.


  • Skill
  • Game
  • Character Development

The youth sports programs are structured to provide each child an equal opportunity to improve. Each eight week instructional program is focused on giving each child an equal opportunity to improve in game fundamentals, game knowledge, sportsmanship and teamwork, appropriate competition, and most importantly fun.  As the program progresses from week to week, the instructors will be spending less time on instructional drills and more time on game strategy through simulated games.  Children are divided by grade level in each instructional program.


This class is designed for all athletes to improve their hand eye coordination and foot speed using boxing drills to keep your athleticism sharp. Participants: 5/15

Ages 8 – 17 years

Location: South Field – This class will consist of basic fundamentals such as passing,catching, and lots of beginner drills. If time allows, each week will play a scrimmage game of 7 0n 7. This is a great way to continue developing your skills, as you take your game to the next level. Participants: 5/15

Ages: 6 – 12

Held each session from Fall I to Spring II.
A comprehensive Home School Physical Education Program, designed for home-schooled youth ages 6-12 interested in enhancing their current level of fitness. Your child will have the opportunity to explore the fun of fitness with other kids their own age, while participating in activities and games that help develop coordination, socialization, and group play. Participants: Min. 3, Max 15

Ages: 6 – 12

Is your little interested in sports, but doesn’t know which one? This class is PERFECT FOR THEM because they can learn a little about a few of them! This program will introduce kids o the basic components of soccer, baseball, and basketball. Participants: Min 5, Max 15

Ages 5 – 9 years

Whether your child is new to running or a seasoned athlete, this program offers a dynamic, supportive, team environment for them to thrive. Focusing on skill development, technique, and coordination, the YMCA Track Program will improve their running or help them gain endurance for other sports.

Grades 2nd-8th

Fall I Session
This is a beginners Co-ed course is in collaboration with The Kenosha Raptors who are dedicated to teaching the Fundamentals of Lacrosse at multiple levels.
Participants: 5/20

Grades: 2nd – 8th

Participants will enjoy multiple sports each week such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, and more during this adaptive class for kids with diverse abilities. Participants will meet new friends while growing their athletic skills and confidence. For this class to run smoothly, we will need volunteer adults to help assist kids as needed.

Participants: 5/15

Ages 3-14yrs

Location: Miracle Field – This class will provide your child with basic fundamentals such as throwing, catching, and batting to prepare for the upcoming YMCA T-Ball season. Each participant is required to bring their own glove. Participants: 5/10

Ages: 5-9 Years Old

This Co-ed Program will focus on improving basic fundamentals such as bumping, setting, and serving. If time allows, all participants will play scrimmage to showcase their new and improved skills. Participants: 5/15
Ages: 10 – 14


This program will focus on the fundamentals of shooting, ball handling, passing, post and perimeter play, footwork and pivoting drills, movement without the ball, and core training.

Ages 3 – 4 years

This program will focus on the fundamentals of shooting, ball handing, passing, post and perimeter play, & footwork. At the end of training, all participants will play in a pickup basketball games at the end of the course.

Ages 5 – 8 years

This program will focus on the fundamentals of shooting, ball handing, passing, post and perimeter play, & footwork. At the end of training, all participants will play in a pickup basketball games at the end of the course.

Ages 9-13 years


This is a parent/child participation program designed to teach children the basic skills of soccer. Fundamentals will consist of dribbling, passing, & shots at the goal.

Ages 3-4 years

This is a non-competitive sports program designed to teach children the basic fundamentals of soccer, such as dribbling, passing, teamwork and taking shots on goal.

Ages 5 – 8 years

This is a non-competitive sports program designed to teach children the basic fundamentals of soccer, such as dribbling, passing, teamwork and taking shots on goal.

Age 9 – 14 years